Thursday, 1 July 2021

More Displacement Activity...

 ..But hey...

Too much messing about with Green Stuff than is probably good for me, plus family and social stuff have stopped me playing with anything the last week/ten days. Also, wrangling my first bad E-Bay experience, with an OOP board game seller, has been occupying time.....

Meanwhile, ideas keep coming for more Forest-related fun (Medieval and Roman) while the woods are still on the table, plus more "Hunt/Investigation ideas to use with the results of recent conversion madness (pics below..)... 

More Wizzers..

The female equivalent....

A mixed bag that I HOPE doesn't grow....

Quis Custodiet etc....

Luckily I've moved on from Pratchett to some historical novels reading-wise the last day or two, so maybe that's enough Discworld things for now... ☺

Watch this space...


  1. Reading through your posts I feel your pain. Sometimes (quite a lot of the time actually) life gets in the way and as much as I want to play I have the thought of hmmm I should finish painting those minis or I could just read that rule book and before you know it I’m reading someone’s blog and it’s time for bed again 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. Yep... I really don't know where the time goes... Even at the height of "Lockdown" there seemed to be an ever-increasing, self-inflicted list of calls on my time (Bored..? At a loose end..? I wish...). :)

    And, if anything, things have got worse since I bit the retirement bullet; how did I EVER find time to go to work..? :)


And so it continues...

  After... A brief "medical episode" requiring hospitalization (luckily, being UK-based, the ambulance, tests, overnighting, medic...