Tuesday, 12 November 2024

And into November.....

 Goodness the time flies....

Mid November already and, as we say down our way, the beds not made, the whores not washed, and Spanish soldiers in the courtyard...

MINIMAL progress on the Gaming Front due to continued low-level sickness (plus the ol' Covid) and family wrangling (the remaining Aged P. in hospital, then care and all the organising and arguing with the Powers That Be necessary for that).

Some painting and modelling done. Some ideas sketched out.

TOO much Youtubing (the genii who are John Finnimore and Charlie Hopkinson, plus "Critical Role" - the latter resulting in more Heroquest played, with solo House Rules to make it more RPG-like...

HOWEVER I have narrowed options down to the following:

1) A "Fill It In As I Go Along" exploration campaign, with the options being:

a) Spanish In The New World (15thC)

b) A "Sanders of the River" themed riverine exploration into the Darkest Bush...

c) Romans roaming into Darkest ditto (inspired by Balbus, Festus, Flaccus et alia, and a post some years back by online friend Mr. S.E. Popp). 

d) A "Lost World" type adventure of exploration, somewhere in Darkest Amazonia.

2) A Straightforward Imperial Roman Campaign, either;

a) A rehash of my Romans in Welsh Wales one (see my earliest posts here).

b) A hypothetical Parthian push into 1st C. Judea, using my earlier map.

3) An RPG-Type campaign set in Middle Earth.

Hobbits go walkabout?


If anyone has any thoughts/preferences please don't hesitate to comment...
Meanwhile, watch this space...

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