Tuesday 21 May 2024

Right.. Away we go.....

 Games Room Up And Running...

Despite a ridiculously busy four months on the new home (new roof to one of the outbuildings, wiring issues, damp wrangling, garden heavy work n' rockery-building for the mem, contractor-wrestling, insulation, decking checking and demolition and replacement, major cleaning etc. etc.) 
we FINALLY have a workshop and store (the former garage) for use and a Games Room (in the somewhat unimaginative brick outbuilding - formerly a mini gym, sauna and shower - at the bottom of the garden, aka "The Blockhouse") fit and ready for play (pics)....

All this despite a kiddies' show for charity, a (paid) "Robin of Sherwood" 40th anniversary convention gig, preparation for the reenactment season, two solo medieval Living History gigs at Lewes Castle, the Battle of Lewes event, some design work for/helping out friends, AND displacement activity on the FB wargaming/modelling fora, 

Still some tinkering on the decor to do in The Blockhouse, but it's ready to function. All I need now is to organise my time better (esp. with the reenactment season in full flow).

As previously mentioned I have a series of campaign projects planned for the coming year, but to blood the new space I had a quick couple of 20mm "Farscape" skirmishes (pics). Nothing earth-shattering, simple home-bashed rules, but it's a start...

Next up; either a campaign (as planned) or a "Crossfire"/siege experiment.

In other news: I came across this useful resource for 6mm bod lovers:


Onwards & upwards. Watch this space....


  1. Good to see you back.

  2. It's been a while, alas. Am currently writing up the first "project" progress for this year. Watch this space.. :)


The Battle of Scarborough (or "Say, are you going...?")...

 All's Fair at Scarboro'... So...  Cumberland has chosen his ground, to the west of Scarborough town on some low heights commanding ...