Saturday, 3 December 2022

 Time Flies...

Not a lot to report, so just touching base to show I'm still here..

A busy last six weeks.. I was in a play. Our reenactment group marched in Lewes Bonfire March (again - pic) as Highlanders (again). 

Also two birthdays, a family gathering and all the minutiae of life have been getting in the way of gaming. 

I have, however been painting and base-flocking some more 6mms, plus doing some planning, map-making and a little solo board game playing.

Also making some 6mm mid-east-ish buildings and town walls, hopefully soon to see service. I am awaiting a 19thC Russians in Turkestan board game, which I hope to use rather as I used 1776 earlier in the year as a "Battle Generator".  

While painting and modelling I FINALLY got round to watching Game of Thrones - which, of course, set me wondering about a GoT campaign game (based around Risk conventions?) but fighting battles out on the Table in 6mm, which led to me tinkering with a map found online....... 

This would be a big commitment. But we shall see...

Meanwhile, I have this week been wondering about applying/experimenting with some of the conventions of "Crossfire" for some of my games. I rather like the sound of them and have watched some videos. They seem simple and different (though, as so often, I am well behind the curve..).

I don't "do" WW2 (yet) but the system has been adapted for other periods, I see online, and the conventions would, I think, suit my narrative-driven games rather well.

Solo-isation should be simple; my card-driven "Hidden Enemy"  method would be a good start I feel. Watch this space....

So, as may be seen, the old butterfly mind has been fluttering apace...

Hopefully I'll have something more concrete to post - even if it's a modelling update, before Xmas...

As always, any feedback welcome.

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