Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Cards and Fun

A game, and some thoughts..

More painting proceeding (posts re that later), some thoughts re. tweaking Mr. Babbage (ditto) - but first, an experimental battle....

Messin' in The Ruins...

The Eyes and Ears of Sandi have brought to the attention of the Authorities  rumours that the Right Hon. Wallace Morg-Rhys, entrepreneur, demon of the Lagos Stock Exchange and, it is whispered, slave trader By Appointment to the Emirs of the Gulf (aka "Posh Wally"), has slipped over the border from The German Territories with an unauthorised expedition, armed to the teeth, into the lands of the Lulanga......
Rather than place temptation in the way of the good folk of the Lulanga, once one of the more notorious of the slaver tribes in Sandi's Patch but, officially at least, reformed, Captain Hamilton of the Hausas has been dispatched to the mysterious "City of The Dead", where Morg-Rhys is said to be encamped, in order to intercept the errant Right Hon. and invite him, in no uncertain terms, to Headquarters, so that he might explain his actions to Commissioner Sanders face to face..

A platoon of Hausa Police and two Maxims to accompany this little visit...

The plan is simple:
A pre-dawn approach from the south. Maxim One to move furtively round the left flank to cover the exit of the old citadel, where Morg-Rhys is thought to be encamped. Maxim Two and one Section to do the same on the right flank.
A single Section will hold on the south east to cover two sides of the citadel.


Hamilton will hold with two Sections for five moves in the buildings at the jumping-off point until he believes that his covering units are in position. He will then move forward and attempt to call out the Right Hon.

There is to be no shooting unless attacked. The element of surprise is paramount. 

Once all the police are in place Morg-Rhys will hopefully see the hopelessness of the situation and agree to discuss this "Misunderstanding" without the need for violence...

Oh, did we tell Hamilton that there is a small Lulanga settlement in the north east corner of the ruins...?

Using my usual "Hidden Enemy" card trick (each unit tests, with modifiers, at the end of each move to see if anything is spotted/they are shot at) the guys move off. Move two Maxim One has to draw a card - but it was a false alarm (Hearts - blinds or blanks... Phew)... The rest of the lads sneak through the ruins without incident until....


Ooops: on Hamilton's right there is a call for a card draw - two Lulanga shooters (Spades).... Oh dear....

The ranging throw gives a Nine. Plenty of cover, so no problems finding a place for the shooters...

No casualties, but the silence of the morning has been shattered..... The Hausa elect to return fire.. Oh great.... The group in the citadel get a rude awakening...

They're not the only ones... A whole bunch of lads wake up in the village and come to investigate (card-driven)... 

They charge the Hausa...


With shots shattering the morning Hamilton realises he needs to act swiftly. Luckily the dice are with him - and he hurries his reserve towards Maxim One, which is now in position covering the citadel entrance....

In the citadel Morg-Rhys is unsure what to do - and his men stand idle and he hesitates... THIS is good - he has some 10 rifles at least.. Suddenly another turn of the card and.....

Six more Lulanga shooters spring up - and start loosing at Maxim One...

Hamilton rushes his reserve over to support, and the combined firepower sees the Lulanga off...

Meanwhile, over on the right there is some sharp hand-to hand fighting as the villagers charge home. There is no love lost between these two former slaver peoples (nobody like competition) and the fight is swift but fierce, leaving only three Hausa and the Lulanga chief fit to stand....

Meanwhile, Hamilton calls out to Morg-Rhys... After all, the police are only there to "protect" him from the naughty locals -  and to clear up any unfortunate "misunderstanding" over border controls..... 

Morg-Rhys loses his bottle, accepts this as a way out, and brings his party down from the citadel - and so to Headquarters; and an awkward conversation with Commissioner Sanders.....

That was a fun little game using SP style tokens for the Leadership draw and a normal playing card deck using three suits with values allocated. 

More posting re. thoughts and painting shortly. As always thoughts and critiques welcome... 


  1. Great looking table and game.
    The Bods..the hausa.I should really have guessed what the makes are ..I spend way too much time studying the lists at PSR but in my defence, not a period I´ve paid much attention to. At first I thought they were an obscure metal make..obscure in the maker, not the metal:-)

  2. Cheers.. Not too shabby for an old bit of green fleece, some cheap as chips scratchbuilt ruins, Ebay Chinese trees, one of those cheap Amera 1970s "Bellona style" mouldings and sand from the beach.. :)

    Have been messing around with rules and painting some gift figures from one our correspondents here. Back to work tomorrow, but will shove up a Babbage-related post shortly...


After the Anticlimax Was over...

Day 13 - Unlucky for some..? Caesetius continues whittling away the revolted areas in the east and pushes north.  Caninia pushes up through ...