Thursday, 7 May 2020

Lockdown Post..

Quick Update.

Am still working (emergency service) so not a huge personal change the last few weeks, but there has been little Project progress none the less.... Some map-making and plotting on the "Sanders of the River" project (redrawing the map - still in draft stage - working out and experimenting with campaign rules etc. - see pics) some painting and prop building and refurbishment (river craft, Ju-Ju hut etc.)...

Also some unconnected painting..

1) 15mm (actually nearer 18mm, but what the hey) Blue Moon to add to my Musketeer RPG forces; some Royal Sentries ("Guards! Guards!")

Some mounted Cardinal's Guard and some civilians.

Had to have a skirmish or two.. Not my usual scale, but the Blue Moon figures are full of character, and paint up a treat... Couldn't be bothered to set out a table, so used some RPG tiles and my House Rules. Great fun....

As usual, wonder if I can "multi-purpose" any.... Hobbit ladies for 1/72 anyone..? Hmm... Not sure...

2) Discovered, while trawling, Elheim 20mm bods a few weeks back. Bought an explorer type bod (in the background below) for the "Sanders" project... Somehow ended painting some cheap plastic dinosaurs ("Lost World" connection..?)... 

Then (worse) was tempted into getting and painting-up something off-topic altogether....

"Betty's Seven" anyone...?

Plus messing about making "alien trees"... Oh dear...

What with all of the above, some writing, painting up some different "native tribes" for the Sanders game (post to follow), planning a Russian 19thC Central Asian project and some board gaming (plus house repairs) it has been a busy month...

All reenactment has been cancelled, so I should get time to work on The Project over the next few weeks.

I will also fight and publish a "Demo game" - to save me having to repeat myself on various fora as to my methods/madness.....

Hope everyone is getting through the current madness as well as can be expected.

Watch this space...


  1. Ian, Thank you again for inspiring posts. Have a few bits I could send you to add to this project, an old project of mine which only staggered to fruition before I was lured to the dark size. characters, pygmies and native bearers all in 20mm.
    PM me at with your address and I'll pop them in the post.

    1. Cool... Will do that. Sorry for delay in responding. Have been working.

  2. The "Hobbit ladies"..what make? Blue Moon?..which range?
    Betty´s 7.. :-) I watched the series (of which I assume you´ve made the name change play) but could never get the image of an officious Bus Inspector out of my mind "I´ll get you Orac"

    1. Ha, ha.... Yes, the Hobbity-looking ladies are from Blue Moon's 15mm "Musketeer" civilians.. Chirpy looking minxes...

      I must say, although 1/72 is my "love" the Blue Moon bods are fun...

      Re. Orac.. ha, ha.. :) Yes... I couldn't resit the Elheim B7 figures... I can see the Servelan figure turning up in my 1/72 Sanders of the River project as a domineering Society Lady..

      PS. Did you ever see the odd Blake 7 spoof with Martin freeman et. al.. ?

  3. PS..over here the C19 thing is falling apart..the reasons for the "lock down" are looking very thin..government leaks, media coverups exposed, huge demos. It´s not looking pretty.

    1. Seems to be a mess all round...

      At work it's crazy; we're stuck between a flip-flopping government, the Darwin award-winning "freedom" folk, the "Lets shop my ex/the neighbours to the Gestapo" brigade, the "Virus? What Virus?" numpties, the "Lockdown till everything collapses" loons - plus the usual idiocy of the general public....

      Now, thanks to the latest Gov't "advice" we're got the combo of "All of the Above", plus coping with the rise in Domestics, plus the eejits are racing around the half empty streets wrapping themselves around lamposts and the Crims. are back in business... Latest scam: Ring up lone elderly folk to to say you're giving "Free Virus Air Tests"; make an appointment. Turn up and rob...

      Meanwhile, our colleagues in other emergency services are dying on their feet...

      Oh well... It'll all be over by Christmas.... (Ha, ha, ha..)

    2. Wierd! There´s racer boys using the empty streets there as well? It got into the press a few weeks ago but since nothing.
      Here the government has put the blinkers on and is getting weirder day by day. After bringing in the prison for all they have now unlocked a bit but realised that when visiting a shop it´s a good idea (it aint, even according to thier own advisors..the blinkers again) to wear a mask. I could have understood it weeks ago but now? Horse and barn door me thinks.
      The report about them (the government ) from thier own people (blinkers again) being in knowledge the lockdown was not only pointless but counterproductive, they have stuck thier fingers in thier ears and are shouting "Lalalallalalala".

    3. It's all crazy all round...

      I think every democratic government is in the invidious position that whatever they do (or have done) will be wrong in someone's book and, whatever they do (or did) folk were going to die.. Apart from the small number of real wannabee dictators (Orbán et al) this has been a disaster for those in governments (not that I have any genuine sympathy)..

      Hey, ho... Despite all the rhetoric, humanity has been through far, far worse economically and body-countwise.. It'll all come out in the wash..

      Meanwhile, I think all we up here in the comfortable and relatively safe North West European cocoon can do is thank our luck stars we aren't somewhere poorer and less developed, and ride it out....


After the Anticlimax Was over...

Day 13 - Unlucky for some..? Caesetius continues whittling away the revolted areas in the east and pushes north.  Caninia pushes up through ...