Tuesday 12 September 2023

Stopgap Post...

With Little To Report... But I'm still here...

Alas, there has been no gaming taking place since my last post due to reenactment, rehearsals for a re-run of last year's Regency-related play, and all the ghastly shenanigans relating to house selling, searching and buying (these last three still being a work in progress).

On the PLUS side I have been planning, researching and modelling/painting, so that  I now have:

Enough 6mm bods painted up to service my planned AWI and 18thC Jacobite and Irish campaigns (including FAR too many cavalry, but there we are..)...

Made a good start on rebasing and adding to my 6mm Ancients (have been reading too much Tacitus and Xenophon)...

A load more 1/72 bods and beasts now fit and ready for African Adventures...

Some figures & vehicles converted for some old - and some new - TV-related 20mm sci-fi silliness...

A lot of 1/72 scenery bits & pieces made and painted up, and a French farm model all but complete.

A bunch of wee medieval ships awaiting painting (Battle of Winchelsea anyone..?).

Four campaigns and associated rule thoughts sketched out and just waiting for things to settle done before kicking off (IF we get the house we are after I will have more playing and planning space).

Watch this space...

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