Friday, 5 February 2021

Pushna Valley: The Other Side of the Hills...

 Playing as the Home Team.

Next run though set up. The terrain stays the same. The gallant locals are out on the hills, and I'm playing the Big Man of the valley. My brothers, cousins and my aunts (sorry, uncles) and some Big Men from neighbouring valleys here for the craic are deployed; about 700-800 of them all told, including a bunch of seriously motivated ghazis and some cavalry. The bands are about 80 men each, divided into two units, the cavalry into smaller units at about 30 men each, the single band of ghazis approx. 60 souls. 

I have asked (no ordering; this is a tribal force, run by character, personality, appeals to honour - or self-interest - and persuasion; not pips on the shoulder) that they deploy as per the map.

They have done so. These are the agreed actions we shall take: 

The Pushani Band, dug in behind sangars and concealed on the hilltops of Djebel Kourine are to signal with smoke to indicate any enemy arriving within sight - and where they seem to be headed. They are to hold fire until enemy come within close range OR shoot to interfere with any artillery or transport deploying beyond Kourine. They are to harry any enemy trying to by-pass Kourine  If pressed too hard they are to fall back to Djebel Omar.

The Band of cousin Ali-Reza is dug in on Djebel Barga. In front of them is the band of Uncle Omar dug in on the lower slopes and hidden in the oasis. Both bands are concealed behind sangars and other cover. They have been charged with interfering with any enemy advancing down the Barga Valley or attempts to take Djebal Barga. If the enemy pushes towards Djebel Omar or Shatar from the north east they are to harry his rear.  If pressed too hard they are to fall back; Ali-Reza to the shrine, Uncle Omar to Djebel Omar. 

The Pushna-Kell band are hidden in the palm groves and woods below Djebel Shatar. They are to harass any movement between Shatar and Djebal Omar. If there is an opportunity to ambush a column they are to take it; coordinating with The Shati Band (hidden in a dip on the south side of Djebel Omar). If the enemy press up the Djebal Omar road they are to follow; the Shati Band swarming up the slopes to flank any enemy using the Omar Pass. If pressed too hard the Shati Band is to fall back on the Reserve at the west end of Djebel Omar. The Pushna-Kells, if pressed are to go to the east, to swing round Kourine and block the enemy line of retreat,  or west to the palm groves below the Plateau; whichever is safest. 

The bands and our one cannon, dug in on the Plateau (those of Cousin Musa and Father in Law Shapur Khan) are to hold their ground and forbid the enemy from reaching the villages or fort. 

The Ghazis under uncle Suleman, the two Azvarani of horse under my brothers Fazal and Ghaulam and the Pushani Band and Brother in Law Abdul-Ahad are to hold in the lee of Djebel Omar as a reserve and await my requests for action.

My figure, with a small band of riders to act as runners, is on the north east end of Djebel Omar.


The Events table has changed; far simpler (right click & open as new tab) and only affects me; events being prompted by an Events Token then 6D test per move (a "5-6" prompting a card draw) as before.

I have scattered eight IEDs of dubious quality on various tracks and handed out a dozen petrol bombs to stout-hearted volunteers.

The Enemy:

The British have two points of access on the east edge. The points of access for individual units and their arrival will be randomised.

The enemy targets are the same as previous expeditions, but I have drafted an "Enemy Action Table" (6D test per move; a "6" prompting a change/new card draw) to keep me guessing as to how they will achieve these. Individual unit action will be dealt with by ad hoc tests based on IMP. Any uncoordinated (or daft) enemy actions will presumably be down to radio failures.

The enemy have been seriously beefed up with two additional armoured cars, a Sikh machine gun Platoon and - scarily - three extra field guns with two F.O.Os to allow indirect fire.

I may allow reinforcements for them if they mess things up too early.  

Enemy off-road movement will risk punctures etc. as before, but there will be no "Event" punctures or breakdowns. There are no snipers.

Unit activation by Token as before. 

Ok.. All set up... 
Let the games begin.... 

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