Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Quick "Size Isn't everything..." post.

Comparison Pics.

Before the bods go away; a quick "What is 1/72" comparison post with snaps re. various medieval figures. Pics are self explanatory (I hope).

Quite a variation (as usual) as you can see, though personally I have no real issues "mixing 'em up" for medieval because;

1) there would be a big variation in terms of people's size/height.

2) ditto horses. I can pick and mix most of these anyway, but generally big men ride big horses, little men whatever they can afford to stretch to (in every sense of the word).

3) all kit and weapons would be hand-made, and so much more likely to be bought (or, in the case of them as could afford it, made) to suit the person (big strong man buys - or has made - big axe, little man item to suit) so I feel variation in weapon/helmet size is much more acceptable in "medieval land" than in the "one-size fits none" of the factory-made world.

As mentioned before, the thing I have most issues with figures is "bulk" and proportion. Strelets medievals are on the "chunky" side, but generally acceptable. The Tumbling Dice lads I have already painted up are VERY well fed for peasants. However, the TD WoR men at arms, currently waiting painting, are nice, normal human being proportions. Watch this space for them...

It will be noted that I, again, favour plastics. Most metal figures I come across have the bulky and/or (even worse) "pumpkin head" effect, which I really don't like - or remain unbought due to the "no pictures on the website "syndrome (!!!??? It's the 21st century guys...).

Next post will be the promised Battle Report.

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