Friday, 24 January 2020

Back In The Saddle......

Ride 'Em - Um - Horseperson....

It's been a looong gap, paid work, works to the house, a major overhaul of my Play Room, minor illnesses, Life, yada yada have got in the way of serious play n' painting but......

1) The Room in the Roof is now tidy(ish), systematised and set up with two mobile shelving units at Denyer waist height (to suit my back) which provide a gaming table AND much needed shelving without the need for trestles etc.

2) The Parthian Cavalry are FINALLY finished - six months too late (well, most of them. No sooner had I gasped "Phew. Done" I found a scatter of malingerers skulking in another box and the Arab mercenaries figures have COMPLETELY vanished; I could have bought another 10 boxes for the cost of the  time it took to - unsuccessfully - search for them..).

3) The Plastic and Board Game Mountains have grown apace...

4) Plotting and Planning... A scatter of excellent (and in a couple of cases new to me or long unwatched) movies rattling away as background on the PC while one was sorting the Play Room, but which were good enough to interrupt proceedings, have sparked some serious Solo project thoughts.  More of that later...... 

5) Meanwhile: 

Before the Parthians get put away; first game of the New Year - am trying to get to grips with "Adjutant Introuvable"...  Very basic set-up.

Backstory; The Lady Azardoht, widow of the late Governor of Ram Ardeshir, was supposed to drift off into obscurity once hubby popped his curly-toed slippers, but "Nah...".  With the aid of mercenaries from Mazoon, across the Gulf, the doughty madam has decided to stay put; hence the bold Rustam of Firuzabad has dragged his men over the mountains to challenge her on the plains of Khoshab....

As usual a Mash-up of rules... Watch this space....

Oh, and Happy New Year....

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