Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Another New Year. Another Plastic Mountain.....

Trundling on....

Am (finally) getting somewhere with my Jewish Revolt project: with bods painted (most of them), some scenery coming together, a scatter of one-off scenario thoughts prepared and a campaign map drafted.

A pic and outlines of thoughts below. As usual with me there has been an element of “Mission Creep”, but whatcha gonna do….?


My furious rebels have assembled (below).. Well, most of them...
I wanted a mish-mash of “official” militia units of "respectable people" in reasonable looted and out-of-the store-cupboard kit, and more irregular bodies of light troops representing a right old hotch potch of town bods (some Hellenised), militarised resistance groups, countryside fellows, figures to represent folk from the Diaspora (in Judea as pilgrims), Souk sweepings and badmashes and loads and loads of skirmishers.

The (rough) pic (at the end of my workbench) shows the "official" guys in looted Roman kit at the back, a Temple Guard type unit and various mixes of light spears, shield folk, non-shield folk etc. etc. with a range of outfits and weapons/protective gear.

There are still some more to paint (if I must) but I have enough for some large engagements, as well as some “chrome n’ character” bods for skirmishes. 

I need to do more standards and command folk, plus some distinctive figures for Zealot groups, JPF etc.... I probably ought to consider some chaps to work captured catapults and so forth....

Buildings are also work in progress (some at the back of the pic)....

This project is taking a while to get together... However, the mix of figures  ( because I am one who bases my lads individually) means, with a little poetic licence, that I have also gained for myself some bodies of bods who will do service as:
Non-uniform auxiliaries and/or Client King supporters (friendly or otherwise) for my 1stC Romans.

"Generic" Hellenic/Punic-ish/Mediterranean light troops a plenty…

Multi-period North African/middle eastern lads (inc. s
ouk sweepings and Barbary pirate types) for all sorts of games....

So, lots of armies for the effort on one (say I..).

Scenario and campaign ideas are collecting, plus I have been tweaking my House Rules, so a lot of activity offline at this end - but not a lot to report......

Watch this space, as they say.....


  1. Impressive army !
    Happy new year...or have I already said (written) that?

  2. Happy New year.. This is my first post of this year(where did the last four weeks go..??).

    The army is bigger than I intended but, like Topsy, it just grow'd... Part of the growth thing was painting up sprues I had intended to use later for other projects (how long will another spue's worth take?). Then the next. Then the next. Etc...

    I quite liked the Mars Algerian/Barbary pirates (using them as Souk Scum). A bit chunky and basic, but they add a lively air of menace once painted up - and the "officer types" convert to personalities and standard bearers nicely, so ended up painting more of them than I had intended. Also the HaT El Cid Moors are such nice figures, so more "Sinister Edomites" and "CFFG" bods in the pipeline.. :)


More Siluria Shenanigans...

Or, "Will they won't they"... Day 17 continued: So, as we left it, Caeog was convening with his fellows to decide what to do, ...