Saturday, 23 June 2018

I Really Should Be Painting.......

Middle of the Working Week for me (night shift) so have been lazily looking at bods and sorting through the Plastic Mountain for the projects "kinda on the go" before my pre-work nap...

On the cards some time this side of Xmas are:

  • A revamp of my old Colonial Campaign (loosely based on the world of "Sanders of the River" - I found my old campaign map & scratchbuilt river boat "Zaire"last year).

  • A Romano-Judean thang (I'm part way through painting up a Judean force & lots of flat-topped houses) and more testudos.

  • Getting That Schiltron done (It's O.K. Robin.... The Bishop of Huntingdon has just brought in some Scots mercenaries.. Nothing to see here, just move along...).

  • FINALLY getting my Napoleonic & FIW skirmish-only figs painted (Hah!).

  • Possible pipe-dreams: Mid 19thC colonial - small scale skirmishing/Maori wars/Sarawak etc. Lots of conversion necessary though - unless I'm going to switch scales (shudder)...... I REALLY need to read less Flashman.....

  • Dad's Army WW2 - but am finding the ol' "One-scale-fits-none" issue when trying to mix & match manufacturers a tad trying (yes, "other scales are available", but "shudder", as above)....

"WILL paint you - under one condition... That one of you reveals the true size, approximate or exact, of the scale known as 1/72.."

Also dabbling in some RPG work (25mm-28mm); sci-fi, board game proxies & modern policing.

Or maybe I'll just carry on with the traditional wargamer displacement activity of re-boxing the bods, online (i.e looking at more figs.  "Curse You PSR!!"), fiddling with board games - and dreaming up more projects....

Meanwhile, back on earth; I posted this pic below on the FB groups last year.... 

May be of use/interest to someone. I find that for a "Generic Western Barbarian" (Yes. I Know.. But sometimes you need as many bods on the field as you can get..) army they all mix in pretty well once on the table - with the odd Irregular Miniatures 20mm chap thrown in and some 15mm slingers etc. for herd boys and over-eager kiddies...
I "rationalise" the HaT Germans (generally thinner figs. - and sparingly clad) as "youths & low status folk" - on the basis that they ain't been getting the nutriments or are at that teen "gangly" stage..

I will try to do more of these comparison things ("Denyer ! You should be painting !!!!") for different scales as I set up for games/dig things out of boxes since, when I stumble across them online, I find them really useful - given the horrid worlds of scale-creep, pumpkin-heads, "I still really live in the 1970s so never put pics of my products on my website" manufacturers (WTH ?? I gave up buying blind from classified ads in wargame magazines in 1985 !! ) and bloatism (Climbs down from soapbox... Shakes bee from bonnet..).

I will also post some more re-vamps of "How I roll" techniques, event & decision table and "Movement Spiders" previously posted on FB groups, but there will be a brief "radio silence" here, since I'm trolling off to "A Small Town In Germany" to fight our dear friends the Jerries (1504 reenactment, deep down in
Baden-Württemberg) next week.

I shall return - unless they give us "Inselaffen" too good a good pasting (most of 'em are half my age these days.. :) ).  


  1. Most of the wee laddies have been sitting, all washed & ready to prime, in a box by the PC for the best part of a year. I swear that in the wee small 'oors I can hear a mutinous skirling and hooting within....

    Apropos: it was your own Bannockburn posts n' pics helped inspire me to start painting n' playing again - and made me risk some of the Strelets bods; who can look a bit "Meh" and clunky when naked in the PSR pics, but looked great on your site, and whom I find pleasing even when painted up in my cack-handed way - being often lively and fun to do (Except the horses, but I always HATE painting horses... :) ).


And so it continues...

  After... A brief "medical episode" requiring hospitalization (luckily, being UK-based, the ambulance, tests, overnighting, medic...