Saturday, 26 May 2018

And So It Begins.........

Spring Project  2018: "This Ain't Siluria"; A Roman v Celt campaign..

Phase one: Having set out my campaign ground rules (see previous post) we begin. This scenario has a back story - the formal pacification of an area where the "tribal government" has decide to "Go Roman", but we can't be sure how well the outlying regions will react to that - given that they have had a couple of generations of fighting them...   So - a note from the Governor:  

With my orders in place I draw up the forces available to me. To get the job done I reckon I will need two columns operating in the area. One will be under my direct command, the other under the command of a sub-commander. I decide on the forces HE will have, and issue him with instructions. In theory he will follow these - but events (decided by the cards) may provoke independent thought on his part (dangerous - or inspirational ?). I set out his rules of engagement & orders:

  And so the game begins. Using the map and tokens, throwing a dice each day to see if we draw a "event Card (throw of 5-6 needed) we proceed.

The Plan is roughly as outlined on the map below. Blue represents the planned movements of my column, red those of the secondary, "North" column.

I keep a (rough) War Diary to track events. This  allows me to keep a grip on what is occurring
, but also provides a "narrative feel". From this we can see that the operations begin fairly smoothly.

There is one minor skirmish (on the 8th), which I deal with on the Combat Table and some interference (on the 6th - the "Serious Storm" card) and a bit of good luck (the opportunity to "Force March" on the 5th.). On the 19th, however, we get a card indicating one mobile unit will be subject to "harassment" by local forces. We have our first "on the table" operation.   

By the 19th we have the map situation as below; 

The pinkish shaded areas are those zones "pacified" so far (by persuasion or intimidation). The battle is taking place way up in the right hand corner of the map. There are two small fort garrisons (the aux. markers) and the garrison at Isca (far right). The main force is the one by the coast. We have missed an area just below the eastern mountains - this could prove to be a hot-spot unless dealt with PDQ....

We know the Roman forces involved (see the orders above), and throw to see how the C.O. is dealing with the issue of scouting.  In this case the C.O. elected to travel in "Thorough Scouting" mode. (this was diced for. Result = option 3 on the Scouting Options). As a result, his cavalry ( I Aelia Hispanorum eq. mill, Picentiana Gallorum eq) and one cohort I Alpinorum Peditata are deemed detached as scouts/advance guard and will not initially be available to him during the battle.

As he opted for this scouting mode he could have deployed up to four cohorts (legionary or auxiliary) in positions of advantage (e.g. flank guards, securing hills commanding his route etc. ) up to 3' from the column head/rear if desired. However, (diced for) he has decided to only deploy one cohort in this way

I then decide on the size of the hostile force he will encounter by the simple throwing of a dice; every point on the dice up to 5 adds one "body" of approx. 400 foot, 200 horse or 50 chariots to the force (the nature/type of that "body" is again decided by another dice throw: 1-2 = skirmishing foot, 3-4 = close combat foot, 5 = horse, 6 = chariots.
Thus, for example, throws of 4 and "Type" throws of 1, two 3s and a 5 means a force made up of 1 body of skirmishers, two of close combat infantry and one body of cavalry). If a "6" is thrown this means 6 "bodies" AND I throw again - to a maximum of 10 throws (i.e the enemy force cannot exceed 24,000 foot).  In this case I throw two sixes (in succession as above) and a 5.
However, as this is an "ambush" type scenario, to add to my uncertainty as the Roman Player I will not dice for body type until the hostile units are deployed on the table. I decide on my Order of March, set up a suitable table based on the local geography and IMP, and off we go.....


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