Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Another Stopgap I Fear...

Nothing but Displacement..

The disruption of packing n' planning for the house move, living amongst sacks and boxes, and the accompanying psychological horrors (this is England - so nothing is certain till the final "Signing Day") has meant that the only activity has been the good old displacement one of painting and making things, rather than playing.

The painting/modelling mentioned last post have been completed/semi-completed and packed for the move and all the paints & tools packed.. 

I have finished some silly (the Scoobies) and "sensible" (some 70s army guys troops to back my U.N.I.T. troops, some civilians) bods and terrain pieces.

My first attempt at some Farscape figures was kinda OK..

The "Peacekeeper" heavies will do; the Ka D'Argo conversion is kinda OK. Zhaan (a bit of filing and a paint job) and Aeryn ditto... Chiana
(just paint needed) is a perfect figure vanilla I think. But I definitely "need" a better Crichton....

Hey, ho... Hopefully we'll be back to games soon, but I'll likely set out some ideas and rules thoughts here in the meantime.. 

And so it continues...

  After... A brief "medical episode" requiring hospitalization (luckily, being UK-based, the ambulance, tests, overnighting, medic...