Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Not Dead, Just Resting....

 An Interim Post...

Not a lot of time for playing or painting the last few weeks, what with the reenactment season kicking off with The Battle of Lewes (pic), certain commemorations (inc. the 200th anniversary of the birth of Harry Paget Flashman) family/friend stuff etc. Plus my camera bust...

I had a couple of one-off fantasy and sci-fi knockabouts (my UNIT bods getting their first proper outing), some quick chase games and some experiments messing about with blinds etc. but nothing worth a big write-up.

Included were...:

1) The lads from UNIT & the Doctor investigate a mysterious arrival... But it all ends without fisticuffs (blinds, event tests and diplomacy checks)...

2) Rincewind makes a couple of escapes (my usual; "Chase" & "Encounter rules..).

3) There is some trouble in the Valley of the Crows, with an army of Undead, Trolls and miscellaneous wossnames seen off after a stiff fight (thank the local Gods for arrows and javelins..)..

4) Some 6mm modelling experiments re. palisades.

5) More UNIT fun; searching for more mysteries......

And finding one.......

All in all a bit piecemeal. I hope to get to grips with another campaign soon, but we have a busy reenactment summer ahead. Watch this space....


 Where next..? So, the fighting is over. It was hard-fought and genuinely could have gone either way at several points. With the enemy in fl...